So it’s been a little neglected here in the website world. I just cleared out close to 4,500 spam comments awaiting approval! Thank you Russian scammers for filling it up.
So 2023 was a great season, and 2024 is even better. As at writing, we have raised a combined $280 for the Lights for Kids Campaign.
This year the megatree got a huge upgrade. It has gone from 1,500 nodes (20 strips of 75 nodes per strip, at 2 inch spacing) to 4,500 nodes!! (30 strips of 150 nodes per strip, at 1 inch spacing) – The extra density has made a massive difference and it looks stunning.
Part of this required a controller box rebuild, to support 12V pixels.

Additionally, another heavy hitter is the addition of a P6.67 panel matrix – totalling 288×144 resolution – 192cm by 96cm. This has brought some new sequences to life with effects, pictures and video. It is crazy bright, I am running it on 1/9 brightness setting so I don’t burn retinas in the evenings.
More details on the build for this coming soon.

The third major addition is a high-density prop, in this case, a Showstopper Spinner. This was made from the 5V pixels that came out of the megatree post-upgrade. I am _really_ happy with this prop, it maps very nicely onto sequences, and gives some amazing effects. It taking a bit of “centre stage” in the porch gable gives it the attention it deserves.

Soon I’ll work on creating another behind-the-scenes video – there have been changes to the overall architecture of the the show; powering and push to listen.
Stay tuned for more!